Monday, April 27, 2009

Independent Project

I have not updated my blog recently on my project but I have documented the entire process below. I also couldn't cut and paste from words so I uploaded it as image files.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Second Life Scavenger Hunt

1) I dressed Barnabee Humbridge in all white. I did this because it was the easiest for me to figure out and I also decided once I was done that he was from the future and based on all the futuristic movies, they all wear skin tight monochome suits.

2)Pathfinders Office in Linden Village. He was holding a book

3) Everything that I inspected was created by Edmund Faulkes

4) It is hard to see but I am standing at the base of the Effiel Tower

5) The region is rated PG. I was at 71,93,179 and I reached it by flying

6)The Book of Dublin. It was having trouble loading here but it looked like it was called the Blarney Stone

7)I went to Miami University. There was a sky diving machine thing that looked interesting.

8) I was standing on a larger record. The whole area was larger than my character so it made me look small.

9) There was a flying building which doesn't happen in real life. With a school like this, it would be able for thousands of people to participate from everywhere across the world.

10) I joined the Tropican Dance Club because it was the frist option when I typed in dance club for groups.

Synthetic Environments 4/3

In today's class we traveled to Philips' main gym to get a demonstration of the HIVE, the Huge Interactive Virtual Environment. We learned that Miami's HIVE is the largest interactive virtual environment in the world. We got a demonstration of the starting off with looking at the computer which was mounted on a back pack as well as the headset. After that we looked at how the camera based infrared sensors were able to track almost exact movement. Then we all took turns in the environment by walking around the gym collecting virtual Easter eggs. I had a great time doing this but what was also interesting was the fact that straight lines were hard to walk because the computer has a built in safe guard that alters the the world so that you do not run into the walls of the gym.

Synthetic Environments 4/1

Today we discussed the reading in class. Our main focus for class discussion started focusing around what our actual definition of virtual reality is. People started to give their definitions as well as myself giving mine which started with my story of putting on a headset and having a fully 3d environment and then discussing how video games today are also considered virtual reality due to the nature of a alternate world that we are able to interact with. Scott added onto my comment and said the thing that we were talking about but just missing a little was that virtual reality seems to have a need of the user to be able to interact with the alternate reality.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Synthetic Environments 3/30

In today's class we got a basic background of virtual reality as well as a ted speech from the founder of Second Life. The most interesting thing to me about the history of the technology is how far it dates back to. The Worlds fair in New York was the first to show these immense projection technologies but it was the US military that seemed to be driving it to the next level. I never realized how much of a roll the military has in pushing these technologies with things like flight simulators and anti-aircraft gun training.

The second life presentation was also very interesting. He talked about what could be considered the human condition to always want a place where they can do and create anything. The dream of so many to start over on a different planet is in a way granted by Second Life's enormous ability to support user based content. It is not as inclusive as the holo-deck in Star Trek but at least it is a start.

Independent Project Discussion Day

Today we discussed our projects as a group. I then posted my idea which is also located on this blog. We were also asked to respond to our group member's posts on their blogs and the links are located here:

Fabrication 3/25

-Post moved from discussion board-

On the last day of the fabrication discussion we looked at a vacuum formed wall inspired by water droplets. We watched a slide show of the intensive process that went into creating the many triangular forms that eventually became the molds for the aluminum. After looking at this wall the class started to debate what I interpreted as a form vs function application of the technology in the realm of architecture. I have not studied in this area so I was a little lost, but I have heard that some philosophy is that all form should have function. The technology allows for such precision that the ornaments that were usually used to cover deficiencies is unnecessary. But if the technology can produce equally astonishing ornaments, then why not add an artistic form to the structures.

Fabrication 3/23

-Post moved from discussion board-

In today's class we talked about our reading. The topic that I found most interesting was when we started discussing the creation of personal digital fabrication machines. From the marketing perspective some were arguing that it was necessary for there to be a demand for the product before anyone would be willing to purchase something of the sort. My argument was that with radical technology such as 3d printing most people lack the ability to picture what they can do with it until they actually have the product. My personal example was that I was interested in photography but not to the point where I thought I would study it. I purchased a nice DSLR camera as soon as I took my first shots I immediatly saw the possibilties of the camera. I purchased books on photography and am starting to gain some ability. Without having the product in my hands, I would never have known what could be done. If there was a way to get 3d printers to people, they would find needs for it and a new era of personal fabrication would start.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The aesthetics responsive technologies

For my independent project I would like to examine how responsive technologies can be used to increase the visual appeal either in the home or in places such as bars or clubs. Specifically I am going to focus on the possibility of creating a responsive network in my room that would have a functioning set of senors and lights. My first goal and step is going to be examining possible sensors and lights at the local hardware stores. After I see what is available, I will design a plan to rig my room with the technology. Once I have a viable plan, I would install the technologies and document the process via pictures and blog posts.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fabrication 3/20

For today's class we met at the digital fabrication lab in the new engineering building to get a first hand look at some of the equipment we discussed on the 18th. In the room the 3 main pieces of technology were the small mill, the laser cutter, and the 3d printer. My first surprise came when looking at the 3d printer. Instead of having some highly specialized ink, it only required standard HP printer cartridges, given that they are also drained and pumped with a glue like substance. We also looked at the mill and how it was able to cut out the vacuum seal pieces. The last thing we did in class was look at the laser cutter and how to set it up for the project of cutting out our facial profiles. After a little playing around, the instructions were very easy and I cut out my face in 2 passes. It really surprised me that it cut that fast because the laser moved so quickly so I thought it wouldn't have any time to make a cut in the material.

Fabrication 3/18

From the first day of fabrication lecture I found it very interesting that additive digital fabrication was so much more difficult and cost prohibiting than subtractive. That being said, the uses of additive fabrication seem be able to alleviate more costs for a company that develops products. Being able to do rapid prototyping can cut time and development costs down so much that some forms of additive could actually be cost efficient.
Another thing that I found interesting was the fact that the early technologies such as the lathe, while they have been improved upon, the basic concept is fairly untouched. We have taken old technologies and simply added digital capabilities that add a much greater degree of precision and detail.
I have had some experience with digital fabrication in high school. An autocad class that I took part in used a laser cutter to make wood models and a 3d imaging classed used a resin/starched based 3d printer to create or models. After using these I saw how while these technologies are helpful something as simple as using true red and creating a path for the laser can become very difficult and ruin a project.

Friday, March 6, 2009

interactive environments links - orbiter gesture based sounds - omni directional tredmill virtual reality floor tiles gesture based wall televsions

Tuesday, January 20, 2009